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Suryadaya Womi Laghubitta Calls for AGM and Announces Dividend

The 12th annual general meeting (AGM) of Uryadaya Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha (@@) will be held on August 16 at 12:30 PM at Luvu Party Palace in Lubhu, Lalitpur.

A proposal to distribute a 14.005143 percent equity dividend on the paid-up capital retained following the FPO issuance will be supported by the meeting.

The meeting will also provide the BOD power to move forward with a merger or acquisition with qualified partners and to modify the articles and memorandum of association in accordance with the requirements of regulatory agencies.

As a result, sharehodlers registered in the business's book up until August 7 will be entitled to attend the AGM and receive the declared dividend. The firm will shut its book on August 8.
