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From the stock market, 2.57 billion in capital gains tax was collected.

Even though the market saw a significant boost, investors still had to pay 2.57 billion 94 million rupees in capital gains tax for the month of August. In August, the market as a whole dropped by 420 points, or 14%.

Shareholders paid the government 4.23 billion 78 million rupees in July in order to pay capital gains tax. This is the most money raised in a month than at any prior time, according to Nepal CDS and Clearing.

In August, 733.39 million rupees were collected for personal long-term capital gains tax, while 1.53 billion 84 million rupees were collected for personal short-term capital gains tax.

Individual investors are required by law to pay capital gains tax, which is calculated as 7.5 percent on profits from keeping for less than a year and 5 percent on profits from holding for more than a year.

Similarly, 304 million rupees were received in capital gains tax revenue for corporations in the same month that 33 million 39 thousand rupees were collected from stock dealers for capital gains tax.

Compared to July, there was a 39% decrease in capital gains tax collected during that month.