Following the break for Dasain, the stock market gained 31.48 points.
Oct 15
Following the Dasain break, the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) reopened on Tuesday and has increased by usual points. NEPSE finished at 2,699.66 points today, up 31.48 points from the previous day. The transaction amount has likewise dropped as of today.
The NEPSE increased by 4.85 points on the last trading day prior to Dasain. There was a 3 billion 62 million pai business today. Three billion 76 crore 51 lakh was the amount of the final transaction made before to Dasain.
Tuesday saw an increase in the shares of 205 firms, a reduction in the shares of 32 companies, and no change in the shares of 6 companies from the day before. Three companies had a positive circuit on Tuesday. The stock of a corporation has a negative circuit.