Agro Farms Downey will go public and choose Citizens Capital as its sales manager.
An IPO is planned by Downe Agro Farm Limited. The company's sales manager for the IPO issue is now Citizens Capital.
Today, Citizens Capital and Downe Agro Farm inked an agreement regarding the appointment of a sales manager. Vinod Pokharel, Executive Director of Downne Agro Farm, and Sabir Bade Shrestha, Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Capital, signed the deal.
The biggest egg production firm in Nepal, Downne Agro Farm was founded in 2074. This enterprise uses 4 lakh layers of chickens to produce and distribute 1,700 cartons of high-quality, "antibiotic-free" eggs every day.
With 600,000 birds overall, the farm hopes to produce 2,600 cartons of eggs a day in the future. Winter location of Downe Agro Farm, Nawalpur District, Vinayitriveni Rural Municipality, Ward No. 3.
Adhyant Fund Management Limited's Nepal Opportunity Fund-1 owns stock in the business as well. The company will now only release the IPO following the completion of all required steps and the submission of an application to the Nepal Securities Board (SEBON), the regulatory authority.