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In July alone, more than 1 trillion 36 billion in remittances were received.

Remittances have significantly improved in the first month of the fiscal year 2081/82 when compared to the prior year. Remittance inflow rose by 18.0 percent in July alone, totaling 1 billion 36 billion 93 billion rupees.

Based on statistics from the first month of the fiscal year 2081–82, Nepal Rastra Bank revealed the nation's current economic and financial position on Thursday.

Compared to the same time last year, there was a 22.8 percent rise in remittance inflow. In US dollars, remittance inflows have hit 1.2 billion. 879.8 million of these remittances were made last year.

In the course of the review period, 36,928 Nepalese obtained final work permits (both institutional and individual-new) for employment abroad, while 22,647 others obtained work permits again. These figures were 39,152 and 16,423 over the same time frame in the prior year, respectively.