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The statement of Ravi Lamichhane is being taken today by the committee that was established to look into the cooperative's funds being misappropriated.

Today, National Independent Party leader Ravi Lamichhane will make a statement to the parliamentary inquiry special committee, which was established to look into cases of fraud, misappropriation, misuse, and theft of cooperative savings. In response to his statement at 2:00 PM today as the former managing director of Gorkha Media Network Pvt Ltd, the Committee has written to former Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane.

 It has been reported that GB Rai, who was employed by Gorkha Media Network as Chairman, and Ravi Lamichhane, who was employed as Managing Director, worked at Galaxy Television. Lamichhane said that he had taken 15% of the company's sweat equity. They are said to have transferred funds to Gorkha Media's account from Butwal's Supreme Cooperative, Sahara Chitwan Multipurpose Cooperative, and Pokhara's Surya Darshan Cooperative.

The committee also called Chabilal Joshi, the proprietor of Gorkha Media Network, for questioning at eleven in the morning, prior to Lamichhane.

Investigations may be conducted, according to the 'Proceedings of the Parliamentary Inquiry Special Committee on Misuse of Cooperative Savings Fund, 2081', which discusses the status of funds flowing to various businesses or organizations, including Gorkha Media Network Pvt.

Lamichhane has been charged with embezzling $20 million from Supreme Savings and Credit Cooperative savings accounts in order to get funds to take on the role of managing director at Gorkha Media Network Pvt Ltd. Schedule 1 of the Procedure lists Supreme Cooperatives as a cooperative that is troublesome and frequently questioned by the public. "Discussion and inquiry with the former and current officers of other companies or organizations, including Gorkha Media Network Pvt.," is referenced in schedule 2 of the aforementioned procedure.

Chairman of the Gorkha Media Network, GB Rai, has disappeared in Malaysia. Home Minister Ramesh Akhtar revealed that they are looking for him.

Regarding the complaint filed when Lamichhane was the home minister, a Supreme Court judge expressed disagreement.

When Lamichhane was the Home Minister, the case was filed, and two Supreme Court judges' conclusions diverged. Judges Sapna Pradhan Malla and Sharanga Subedi's differing viewpoints prevented the final hearing from taking place.

In the name of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Home Minister, Judge Malla has issued a mandate allowing the investigative agencies working under him to conduct confident, impartial, and independent investigations. The court has made it clear that it takes the victims' right to justice seriously, as well as the supremacy of the law, the value of human rights, and the impunity that exists in cases such as cooperative fraud.

Similar to Malla, Judge Subedi declared that the Home Minister will issue a mandate order to prepare the way by fulfilling the moral duty and reaffirmed her commitment to responsibility and accountability towards the average citizen. The Supreme Court received a petition calling for the suspension of Lamichhane, the Home Minister at the time, on charges of embezzling cooperative funds. The Supreme Court has received a petition from attorney Anupam Bhattarai asking for the probe into cooperative fraud to be halted while Home Minister Lamichhane remains in office. But now that a new coalition has been formed, Lamichhane and his party are no longer in power.

The then-General Minister of RSVP demanded that cooperative fraud be looked into.

The Rashtriya Swatantra Party's suspended general minister, Dr. Mukul Dhakal, has reaffirmed that Ravi Lamichhane ought to be looked into for using two passports and committing cooperative fraud. Why, according to your statement to the RASWPA, shouldn't you be the target of an independent inquiry committee in the cooperative fraud case? Dhakal enquired. Will he accept the ruling that Lamichhane should be the subject of an investigation by the Supreme Court's joint bench? Whether or not to permit internal party investigation? He enquired.

Why, in the event of cooperative fraud, is there not an independent inquiry committee established on your behalf? You have continued to mislead the whole party and the Nepalese people at large by claiming that you have done nothing wrong and that you are not subject to an investigation. Although I had been taking your falsehood at its value, on June 20, 2081, Justices Sapna Pradhan Malla and Sharanga Subedi, sitting together as a combined bench of the Supreme Court, concluded that you ought to be looked into for cooperative fraud. "Do you accept the decision of the Supreme Court or not?" Dhakal asked in the letter of clarification. Will you permit an internal party probe or not, based on the ruling? The party's chairman, who founded the organization with the goal of promoting good governance throughout the nation, ought to have the guts to consent to an investigation into the accusations made against him. Have you got the guts to get ready for the probe? Mr. Lamichhane, Ravi?

On May 15, a parliamentary committee was established by the House of Representatives to look into the cooperative fraud case. Along with UML MP Sarita Bhusal, CPN-UML MP Surya Thapa is the committee's chair.

Lekhnath Dahal of the CPN (Maoist Center) and Shishir Khanal of the Rashtriya Swatantra Party are the dominant parties. Likewise, the principal members of the opposition are MPs Badri Prasad Pandey and Ishwaridevi Neupane of the Nepali Congress, and MP Dhruva Bahadur of the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party. The committee's tenure is coming to an end in August.