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Molasses exported to Bangladesh for Rs 150 million using the Kakadbhitta transit

During the fiscal year 2023–2024, molasses valued at Rs 149 million and 369 thousand was shipped to Bangladesh through the Koshi province's Kakadbhitta transit point.

The head of the Nepal Transit and Warehousing Company Limited's Kakadbhitta Branch Office, Subash Pandeya, said that 9741.65 metric tonnes of molasses were shipped to Bangladesh during the previous fiscal year. As of August 30, 2024–25, the current fiscal year, which started on July 16, 3,555.6 metric tonnes of molasses valued at Rs 53 million and 197 thousand have been exported via Kakadbhitta transit, he said.

According to trader and clearing agent Nabin Dahal, the sale of molasses to Bangladesh has surged since India levied a 50% tariff on its exports of the sticky substance. According to him, when India raises its export taxes, the amount of molasses sent from Nepal to Bangladesh is probably going to increase in the future.

Trade with Bangladesh is conducted from Nepal's eastern transit point, Kakadbhitta, through Fulbari in West Bengal, India, and Banglabandh, the northern transit point of Bangladesh, according to Pandeya, Chief of Nepal Transit and Warehousing Company Limited, Kakadbhitta Branch Office.